Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We've had such a gorgeous fall with sunshine, temps in the 70s and we've loved it... Thankfully, Halloween followed suit and was perfect as well. That day the kiddos and I went to our playgroup and decorated cookies and enjoyed the sunny day. That evening we got dressed up, picked up daddy from work and drove downtown to our friend Amie's parents. I wish I would've taken a picture of their home. It was amazing! It was built in the 1890s, still has the old character and charm but has been well-maintained, is updated and gorgeous. We ate pizza and then went trick or treating in the very neat historic district of downtown. The homes were so fun to look at and I loved every minute of it. These pics are out of order...I actually tried but it didn't work. Anyway, here you go! Our friend Curtis and Taylor's best bud Robyn.

Taylor was a chef...that's why she's wearing funky pj pants...when I worked at a restaurant that's what the chefs wore. :-)

Max was Drew Carey and I was a very poor version of Mimi...Max looked more the part than I did!

Our friends Curtis and Sarah. They were Woody and (I can't remember her name). Aren't their costumes perfect?! They're a super fun couple! You can see a little of the home we were at...well, this is just the backyard and garage.

This was my FAVORITE costume of the night! Isn't this so funny?

Our friends Sam and Amie and their oldest daughter. Amie was Ariel, ten years and three kids later... cracks me up! Sam's a seminary teacher and they are both wonderful speakers.

There were lots of older folks. They were so sweet. This lady gave out ginger snaps...and I actually ate one! (I'm usually pretty paranoid)

our little family...

Drew is drueling...
checking out the stash!
the group shot...we had so much fun with these wonderful people!


Sarah Rockwood said...

We had such a great time. Next year if the weather is good we will be doing the same. That is a not so cute picture of me. But I have yet to see one of me that I liked in a long time.:)

Callie said...

How fun! I love Amie's parents house, so I know exactly what you mean! Love everyone's costumes, too...the Rockwoods always go all out, don't they?! :)
It was so nice to have a gorgeous Halloween night!

Jensen Family said...

Looks like you guys had a fun Halloween! I love the costumes...Max just cracks me up!

Suzanne said...

I love Max and Taylor's costumes! Especially Max, that's hilarious! I was excited to see you and Tom as brooms, though! Looks like a great Halloween!

Coty said...

I love little Drew...lol so funny. And from what I can tell, that house DOES look amazing!