Sorry, it has taken me so long to get pictures up...we've had some small issues the last few days with getting Cambria to eat enough and gain weight. I think I've spent about 2/3 of my waking hours (at least) trying to work on this with feeding, pumping, trying to wake her up to feed, etc. I've been to the doctor's each day this week and the hospital yesterday for blood work...thankfully, today she gained two ounces! I was so thrilled for that! We go back to the doctor Friday so hopefully, she'll keep gaining.
We've also been dealing with being sick. A week before Cambria's birth, I started getting sick with a bad cold. During the next few days the kids got sick, on Friday and Saturday I was completely wiped out from it, my mom and Tom started getting symptoms but were taking lots of vitamin C and were trying to keep it at bay. Monday morning, I called my doctor to make an appointment b/c I was worried about being sick and having the baby that week. I also called the pediatrician and they both thought since we (the kids and I) were feeling better and it had been a week that we should be okay. Unfortunately, it's been a long-lived, really bad cold. My mom officially came down with it the day we went into the hospital so she spent three nights in a local hotel when we came back home to keep her sick germs away and we've kept Cambria separated from the kids(b/c we don't want her to get sick). Hopefully, with nursing, lots of hand sanitizer and keeping her in our room away from everyone who's been sick (except Tom and I) she'll be okay, but we're doing lots of praying!
Anyway, with all that, it's been hard to find time to post, here it finally is! The day before Cambria was born I wanted to do something fun and special with the kids so Taylor and I went to my doctor's appointment in the morning and then we had breakfast together at Mimi's. Then, we went home and picked up my mom and Max and went to the zoo for a few hours. It was great. It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day.
So the day before...Our zoo is really neat and I think the best part is getting to feed the giraffes crackers. These seem like the happiest animals on the planet b/c they get to eat anytime they want!
that's Max's little hand feeding one of the giraffes.
Ready to POP!