Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I.will.not.waddle...a little update on the pregnancy...

Does anyone else feel like Humpty Dumpty when you're pregnant?! That's who I compare myself to each time! It's really not that pleasant of a feeling to feel comparable to Humpty Dumpty either! I am holding the baby higher so I just feel like a big, round, egg shaped blob with two legs (one of which is covered in varicose veins) sticking out "trying" not to waddle around! ;-)

I officially have 10 weeks left! I'm just over 29 weeks, but the doctor and I have decided to induce me again (unless I start naturally on my own which would be preferable) but with complications that I've had since Taylor, we both like to try to ensure that she (my doctor) is present when I deliver. So, we haven't officially picked the day but it will probably either be March 30th or 31st...10 weeks away! I can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel! ;-) My nausea has come back...not as bad as the beginning but enough to just want to go to bed at 8 p.m. every night. It's interesting with this pregnancy, I could feel the baby so early (like around 15 weeks) and now it feels like he/she is doing disco dancing several times a day! Sometimes I feel like I'm bruised on the inside of my belly from all the hopping around!

I'm still teaching my Pilates classes and am hoping to be able to as long as I can. I had one lady ask me a few months ago if the class was going to turn into a prenatal class; so I am trying hard to show her and everyone it's no prenatal class and still make it just as challenging as before. There are a few things I skip and just talk everyone through, but I enjoy still getting to teach. I'm also working out at home and at the gym on the treadmill. I really want to run a half marathon this year (the year I turn 30) so I'm trying to keep my body in as good of shape as I can...working out doesn't seem to prevent my rapid weight gain though (like I wish it would)...that's still seems to occur on a daily and sometimes 4 times a day basis! ;-) I'm REALLY just hoping NOT to weigh as much as Tom does by the end of this pregnancy...but, it's looking likely! I guess at least he's not a football lineman! ;-)

We're excited to not know the gender of this baby...we have no idea what it will be, but not knowing causes us to spend a LOT of time thinking and discussing what to name the baby (well, every time I ask Tom what names he likes he says things like: Harold) We have a couple girl names we will probably choose between so that's easier (which means this baby's probably a boy right?) so I've spent hours trying to think about boy names! Any suggestions? And, please don't say you like the name Harold! ;-)

Not knowing what we're having is also a bit more time consuming then if we knew....we spent about 5 hours Monday going through Max's and Taylor's clothes and rearranging them by sizes and pulling out newborn stuff so we'd have an idea of what we have...we did this ultimately because I was coming home from Old Navy and Target with things "on sale" for either "the boy-or the girl" and since I have up to 90 days to return it; well I'll just take back things for the gender we don't end up having! Sounds logical to me, but, I think Tom wanted us to go through all of our baby stuff so I'd know exactly what we had and quit bringing home more! Don't tell him, but I saw a cute sleeper on sale for $1.50 yesterday and bought it! Oops! ;-)

signing off for now,

Humpty Dumpty


EmWJ said...

Love it! And thanks again for the Old Navy tip.

ablincoln said...

Oh I'm so right there with you. I keep thinking, I couldn't have looked this big with the other kids, but I'm sure I did. And BTW, I've totally already passed Nate in weight. It's a sad sad thing:(

Dirk and Trish said...

I already walk funny, but I've still got 23+ weeks to go! I hit the old navy sale too and it was hard to pass up on so many cute things and stick to neutrals. Even if we have a girl, I'll be doing lots of shopping b/c they will be exact opposite seasons. Nausea hasn't let up here, so I know how ya feel on that one, too.

Jarad said...

My hubby also has obnoxious boy names! But, there are good things about having a buff hubby! I will never be his weight! :)

Suzanne said...

You're so cute! Love you!

Jensen Family said...

You crack me up! I am sorry that you are feeling like Humpty Dumpty, but at least you are much prettier than Humpty! I cannot believe you only have 10 weeks left...CRAZY! I have decided to wait to send you a gift until after you have the baby...I hate those in between outfits, so I will just wait! I still can't believe you are teaching pilates are AMAZING! I love ya!

Callie said...

Hang in there! You make SUCH a cute pregnant mama, and I think you still look tiny! I can't wait to meet Harold! J/K ;)

Linda,mom,gmom said...

This pregnancy has gone by really fast! And you look great! I'm amazed at your being able to exercise so much. Just don't wear yourself out.(That's a Mom comment:)). We love U all very much!

Angie said...

I rarely look at any blogs any more, (it's funny, the more kids you have, the less time you have...) so I had no idea you were pregnant again. Congratulations! We are so excited for you.