I took these pics a few nights ago...this is part of our night time routine with Taylor (brushing teeth) and this night she insisted on holding her puppy and baby the whole time. After she brushes her teeth she says goodnight to everyone, including Maddie....this is her getting her goodnight kiss. :-)
We have been pretty busy lately getting things ready for the new baby and Tom with his work. An update on Maddie, she's been off of her medication and has been doing great! No seizures so far. We're so glad she's okay. But, she did get herself into some trouble by eating some chocolate cake we had on our stove and eating an ENTIRE loaf of bread during the night!!! She's not usually such a stinker (well she was when she was a puppy) but has been so much better lately...until that one lone evening and night! She spent quite a bit of time in her kennel so hopefully she learned her lesson at least for another year or two...
I had an ultrasound last Thursday and the baby looks great and according to calculations that they do of their head, abdomen and femer he weighed approximately 5 lbs. 10 ou. so he's growing well! I can't believe how fast the time is flying by though and that we'll have this baby here in no time! A part of me is getting more excited to not be pregnant anymore b/c I'm getting bigger and more uncomfortable and have a hard time sleeping, but another part of me is still so nervous! Can't turn back now though I guess! :-)
This last weekend was so nice....on Friday our ward (church) had a sweethearts dance. There weren't a whole lot of people there (about 15-18 couples) but it was so fun! I am really feeling more at home and more familiar with everyone here. It's great. Then on Saturday Tom had some work stuff he had to do so we decided to work around it and go to Denver to the temple (it was such a nice day to be out and about) and ate at one of our favorite places (Costa Vida) and then we went to a blue and gold banquet where Tom had to give a presentation. Sunday, church was great and then we went and toured the hospital's birth center where we're delivering. It just opened last year and is really nice AND they give the mom and dad a steak and lobster dinner! Isn't that crazy? We actually showed up to the tour a couple of minutes late and this really friendly guy filled us in on what we missed and he said that (about the steak and lobster dinner) and I said "Are you serious?!" b/c I thought he was trying to pull my chain. But, the nurse confirmed! That'll be something to look forward to. Yesterday, I just loved having Tom home from work for one more day. We had a nice laid back morning (Taylor took an extra long nap) and then we stocked up on groceries and went to a couple other stores.
Well, that's about it! I hope everyone is doing great and is having a great start to your week!
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