Sunday, June 13, 2010

been busy with my baby and bootcamps!

Sorry for not having posted anything in so long! I have plenty of pictures (as usual) to put up and will hopefully this week (maybe even tomorrow). One of the biggest things that has kept me lacking spare time is getting things set up for my small business this year and prepping and putting on my first bootcamp of the year which just ended Friday night. It's a been balancing act because I don't want to be so busy that I'm not being a mom first and foremost especially with a new babe in the kids are much more important to me than anything else (well, except their daddio ;-). Anyway, the first bootcamp went great. I had nine amazing ladies and we formed a very close, supportive group (which I love) and I'm planning to extend the workouts to every Wednesday evening at least through September. My next session

is a Healthy Pregnancy session...I'm excited for it and it'll be early in the a.m. which is my favorite!

You can visit my site here


kristin said...

Mel - This is SO awesome! Way to go for making it work. :) I just wish you were closer so I could come to a bootcamp or two. How could we do an online one? :D

I have been missing you so much lately. If you guys ever come to southern Utah, please let me know! I feel like we have so much to catch up on!

Jensen Family said...

glad to hear that it went so great! sorry I missed your call! I know you are busy, so we will talk sometime soon! I am doing good, but am so ready to have this baby! I am tired of being so big! good luck on your new business!