Sunday, June 29, 2008

21 days!!!

Well, it's a quarter after nine...that means just a little while until it's officially been 21 days! I just had a great snack of strawberries and this awesome trail mix from Trader Joes. I am excited that I made it through this 21 day detox from sugar. Not perfectly, but who's perfect? Well, out of the rest of us? I have definitely reaped benefits from it though and if anyone out there is needing to lose a few pounds, feel healthier and have more energy; I totally recommend it!

Oh, so I took a nap this afternoon and woke up to this delicious smelling aroma....Tom baked brownies! I didn't even realize we had any brownie mix, but my brother had sent it to us in a package a couple of months ago. Anyway, I admit it, I took a snitch! Yes, I finally ate something chocolaty after 20 whole days of no chocolate. I felt a little loserish for giving in after being so strong, but I only ate about a 1/2 teaspoon worth and then I got pretty mad at Tom. It's not easy to stay mad at him...he's such a sweet guy but seriously! My LAST day and you decide to BAKE brownies!!! Oh well! We're still so in love!

So, tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. I am going to go to Walmart and eat a whole gallon of ice cream, drink a 64 ounce soda and eat a whole bag of chips!!!! Before even leaving the store! Just kidding! I am going to go and teach Pilate's at church!

Oh, and Coty! Great job on your detox! It's been so great reading your updates and having someone else enjoying all the perks of this with you (when everyone else thinks you're nuts! :-) Anyway, you're the only person who has followed through with the whole thing so I have a package to send ya so email me your address at tomandmeljensen(at)hotmail(dot)com. Way to go Coty!


Coty said...

Mel, I would feel guilty even accepting a prize...I think the real prize winner here is YOU!!! but yeah, what happened to everybody else? just shows how hard this thing really is!!!ogzwa

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome! Great job! And very inspiring! I have decided to do the same thing - except slightly modified. I'm going to have a "give in" day on Sundays becuase we started a tradition of Dessert Sunday in our Peters household. Very fun and exciting. I've been interested in baking/cake decorating for awhile, so I'm trying my hand on it with a new dessert every Sunday. Last week it was Devils Food Cake with whipped raspberry filling. Yum. Anyway, I'm following in your footsteps except for my once a week splurge! Thanks for the motivation!